How many reasons can you think of for hair loss? There are many. Many men have hair loss in their genes. For others, stress levels and other environmental factors are important. You need to consider your options no matter what the cause may be. There are lots of things that you can do to keep your hair loss from getting worse. Knowing is only half the battle. We will discuss a few bits of knowledge to help you deal with your hair loss in the following paragraphs. However, according to some studies, Fenugreek can help in this problem. In order to get the best results from treatment you need to know the cause first. Are you on a diet to lose weight? Are you using prescription drugs to help? These can contribute to hair loss. Some diet pills adversely affect a man's ability to grow hair. The hormones these pills mess with are the same ones that promote hair growth. You must consult a medical professional especially if you are dropping hair faster than you are weight.If you are looking for more healthy herbs, you should take a glance at Gymnema Sylvestre and read more about it.
Rogaine is probably the most popular and widely recognized hair re-growth product in the western world. Commercials for Rogaine have been around for around two decades now, if not longer (depending on where you live and when you watch most of your television programs). Rogaine is one of two FDA approved methods for re-growing hair. Rogaine is not a pill you take orally rather it is a topical solution to hair loss. You will eventually start seeing new hair growth when applying this treatment to your scalp. If you want to avoid the need for a toupee and would rather grow your own natural hair this is the product for you. The one drawback to Rogaine is that you can't just use it until the issue is resolved, you must continue use.
Laser Combs are yet another method raising some eyebrows in the hair loss world. Laser Combs are basically a series of lasers used to wake up sleeping hair follicles. This method has not been endorsed by the FDA but it is in the works of being "cleared" by the administration. Hair loss symptoms have been said to be greatly effected for many men when using this method. Your physcian should be your sounding board when considering hair loss treatment. You could be right in thinking of this as the perfect solution to your hair loss. It can be difficult to loose your hair. It is certainly a punch to the ego. However, you are not alone. It happens to plenty of men. Therefore, don't feel ashamed by this. You no longer have to stand by and let it happen, work with your doctor to help you find a way to deal with your hair loss. In some cases you may find you can even grow your hair back!